Basic C Programs

Here is a list of Basic C Language Programs

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1. Program to print Hello

2. Program to add two constants

3. Program to add two variables

4. Program to subtract two numbers

5. Program to multiply two numbers

6. Program to divide two numbers

7. Program to perform all arithmetic operations

8. Program to calculate remainder

9. Program to compare two numbers using if else statement

10. Program to print 1 to 10 using for loop

11. Program to print even numbers

12. Program to print odd numbers

13. Program to generate multiplication table

14. Program to generate multiplication table between two limits

15. Program to calculate area and circumference of a circle

16. Program to calculate area and perimeter of a rectangle

17. Program to calculate area of triangle using base and height

18. Program to calculate area of triangle using Hero's formula

19. Program to check whether a number is even or odd

20. Program to print 5 numbers using normal method

21. Program to print 5 numbers using array

22. Program to generate square table

23. Program to know the difference between getch(), getche() and getchar()

24. Program to implement switch case

23. Program of menu driven calculator using switch case

24. Program to implement a simple function

25 Program to calculate average of n numbers using array

26. Program to find value at in any index in array

27. Program to sort elements of an array

28. Program to use different user defined functions for lines

29. Program to find GCD and LCM of two numbers

30. Program to find second largest number in the list using sorting method

31. Program to check whether a number is prime or not

32. Program to calculate GCD

33. Program to calculate GCD using recursive function

34. Program to find factorial

35. Program to calculate factorial using recursive function

36. Program to print reverse digits of a number using mathematical logic

37. Program to print reverse digits of a number using array

38. Program to generate Fibonacci series

39. Program to generate Fibonacci series using recursive function

40. Program to convert temperature

41. Program to implement Call By Value (CBV)

42. Program to implement Call By Reference (CBR)

43. Program to calculate Simple Interest

44. Program to calculate Compound Interest

45. Program to swap two numbers

46. Program to swap two numbers without using temporary variable

47. Program to calculate power of a number using power function of math.h

48. Program to use string or a character array

49. Program to compare two strings

50. Program to find length of a string

51. Program to concatenate two strings

52. Program to copy a string

53. Program to reverse a string

54. Program to find ASCII value of alphabets, digits and symbols

55. Program to use printf() function without semicolon

56. Program to calculate power of any number using user defined function

57. Program to use structure to store student basic information

58. Program to get Armstrong numbers between 1 and 1000

59. Program to convert binary number to decimal number

60. Program to find sum of digits of a number

61. Program to print directory path

62. Program to print matrix

63. Program to add two matrix

64. Program to subtract to matrix

65. Program to multiply a matrix with constant

66. Program to multiply two matrix

67. Program to print transpose matrix

68. Program to print unit matrix

69. Program to check unit matrix

70. Program to read file in a program

71. Program to use string array

72. Program to sort string

73. Program to find repeated characters in a string

74. Program to check difference between prefix & postfix

75. Program to find length of string without using predefined functions

76. Program to check palindrome number

77. Program to reverse a number

78. Program to check leap year

79. Program to count number of vowels in a string 

80. Program to reverse a string

81. Program to concatenate string

82. Program to convert lower case to upper case

83. Program to convert upper case to lower case

84. Program to convert lower case to upper case using strupr

85. Program to convert upper case to lower case using strlwr

86. Program to create a file in a C

87. Program to make arithmetic operation on rational numbers

88. Program to make arithmetic operations on complex numbers

89. Graphic program to design calculator

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