Sunday, February 17, 2013


It is a process to check the software or system whether it gives the required output or not, on given set of data.
It other terms we can say it is a process to fail particular system because in testing we prepare all possible set of data and apply to the system to check it gives expected output so system must give expected output or must be properly shutdown in abnormal cases.

Testing can be categorised into –
1)    Black Box Testing
2)    White Box Testing

1)   Black Box Testing
It emphasizes on input data and expected output of the system. It does not includes the process from which the inputted data converts into required output such as internal control conditions, loop statements etc.
2)   White Box Testing
In white box testing we emphasizes on each & every step from which data moves and converts into required output such as control statement, repetitions, constraints, comparisons etc.


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