Saturday, February 2, 2013

Template & Template Function in C++

Templates are mechanism that is possible to use one function or class to handle many different data type by using template.
Template is a feature of C++ programming language that allows function and class to operate generic function.
                                i.            Template is linked at compile time.
                              ii.            Template reduces the size of code.
                            iii.            Templates are considered type-safe.

                                i.            The compiler generates additional code for each template type.

template  <class template_var> 

Template Function:


We can design a single function that operates on data of many types.

template  <class T>
return_type fun_name(argument type T)
            //Body of function with type T


template<class T1>
void swap(T1 &x, T1 &y)
 T1 temp;
 temp =x;
void main()
 int a=10,b=20;
 char x=’a’, y=’z’;
 float m=10.5, n=20.5;
 cout<<”After Swap : ”;
 cout<<”\n int a = ”<<a<<” int b = ”<<b;
 cout<<”\n char x = ”<<x<<” char y = ”<<y;
 cout<<”\n float m = ”<<m<<” float n = ”<<n;
 cout<<”Before Swap : ”;
 cout<<”\n int a = ”<<a<<” int b = ”<<b;
 cout<<”\n char x = ”<<x<<” char y = ”<<y;
 cout<<”\n float m = ”<<m<<” float n = ”<<n;

Template Function Overloading:
A template function may be overloaded either by template function or ordinary function.
template <class t1>
void display(t1 x)
 cout<<”Template function”<<x;
void display(int x)
 Cout<<”Explicit function”<<x;
void main()


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