Saturday, February 2, 2013

Memory management operator in C++

Memory Management Operators in C++:
To allocate memory, C++ supports two unary operators new and delete. These operators allocate and deallocate the memory in better and easy way.

·        Advantages of new operator over malloc function:
                                i.            It automatically computes the size of data object. We need not use the operator sizeof();
                              ii.            It automatically returns the current pointer type so there is no need to type cast.
                            iii.            Like any other operator new and delete can be overloaded.
                           iv.            It is possible to initialize the object while allocating the memory.

Syntax for “new”:
Data type pointer_variable = new data type;
            int  *p = new int;
            int *p;
            *p = new int;

Note: We can also initialize the memory using new operator.
Pointer_variable = new data type (value);
            int *p = new int (0);

Note: We can also allocate memory space to array.
Pointer_variable = new data type [size];
            int *p = new int[5];


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